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Featured mobileWOMAN -- Buddy Hayes

Buddy Hayes, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, lives by the motto Desire to Inspire--and that she does!

A former Ms. Wheelchair Virginia titleholder, Hayes is also a retired Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, Special Education teacher, and Army veteran. She earned a degree at Tidewater Community College in recreation leadership and later a Bachelor’s degree in recreation at Virginia Wesleyan College. After graduating, Hayes worked with a wide variety of individuals with disabilities, from adults with brain injuries to toddlers requiring special education. This combination of education and experience ultimately benefited Hayes, herself, when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).


by Amy Saffell
No matter how much a person accepts and embraces their disability, most people still strive to fit in with and assimilate to the rest of society as much as possible. Often it’s the ease and confidence with which a person goes through life that determines their ability to do so, regardless of how differently someone may have to do something. As such, whether a disability is congenital or acquired, people often spend lots of time learning either to be as self-sufficient in their daily living as possible or to overcome the stereotypes of disability by trying new, exhilarating, and even seemingly somewhat daring, recreational activities as they gain their independence. This kind of learning often flourishes best with the encouragement of their peers who also have disabilities. Since the early 1990s, Shriners Hospital For Children - Chicago has been helping youth and young adults with spinal cord injuries do just that.

Make Your Life a Little Easier: Try Online Grocery Shopping

by Valerie Deneen

For many of us, shopping for groceries can be time-consuming and stressful. Depending on how far away the closest grocery store is, several trips can add up to a large gas expense. The hassle of reaching for items on high shelves, loading groceries into the cart, unloading onto the checkout lane, reloading them into your cart and finally into your car can be physically exhausting as well. Thankfully, there is an alternative that can allow you to do yourshopping from home-- online grocery shopping.

The Wheelchair Mommy

by Priscilla Hedlin

We all have memories; more of them then we can ever recall. That is why diaries and pictures have been a part of many peoples lives for years. I've been obsessed with taking pictures for as long as I can remember, and I can't think of a better way to preserve memories. Several years ago I discovered scrapbooking, blogging (a public diary) and tweeting; that changed everything! Now I do it all.